Winning Blackjack Strategy

Paddy's Lucky Forest Slots

Online Blackjack is the most popular casino game that should be played in an intelligent way. Blackjack is in no way as random or as unpredictable as the other casino games. You can play and win instinctively without any systems or rules, although, if you want to play as efficiently as possible, you will have to learn the professional ways to play online blackjack and learn the strategies used to maximize your winnings and reduce the house advantage.

Understanding Basic Strategy

If you are familiar with the rules of blackjack then all you really need is our blackjack strategy card. If you're not, then the basic logic is as follows:

The way that you play blackjack depends on two things:

  • your cards
  • the dealers card that is face up

Because the dealer is forced to play a certain way (hit on anything under seventeen), you are able to calculate the probability that they will get any given total from seventeen to twenty one or bust, based on the knowing what card they are holding.

The central part of blackjack strategy is to realise a few key advantages and disadvantages about the game itself.


  • One of the dealers cards is visible and you can modify your strategy accordingly
  • You know what the dealer is has to do (but not which cards they'll receive)
  • You will sometimes get the chance to double your stake or split your cards if wish
  • You get paid one & a half times your initial bet is you get blackjack


  • You have to play first, so if you bust you lose, even if the dealer busts after you have played your hand

The following is the basics of most blackjack strategies:

  • The dealer will only ever get 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 or bust If you sit on twelve, it's the same as sitting on sixteen - you're still only going to win if the dealer busts. Being able to tell when the dealer is more likely to go bust is a very important part of blackjack strategy.
  • The most likely next card is always a ten The dealer has a better chance of going bust if they have a four, five or six - so you want to avoid going bust yourself. The dealer has good chance of winning if they have a ten, so you should probably take a card until you score at least seventeen.
  • When you double or split your cards, you are putting more money on the table You only want to split your cards when things are in your favor. If the dealer has a four, five or six and therefore has a higher chance of going bust (around 30%) then you will be more likely to want to split your cards. If the dealer is holding a ten, then in most cases you can't really expect to win, so you shouldn't commit any more money.